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At What Age Am I Mature?

My big splurge for the year is always the RAM Conference (Romance Author Mastermind) with Skye Warren. Four days of mind-filling information shared by ridiculously talented authors. Mostly, I spend my time fan-girling and trying not to hyperventilate when I meet one (or twenty) of my idols. But I always come away from it with a monster list of things I want to implement in my business. Because I've come to realize writing isn't just this fun thing I do to get my imaginary friends out of my head, it's also a business.

Which makes me . . . wait for it . . . a business owner. A title way too mature sounding for someone who still likes to let glue dry on her fingers and then peel it off. But there it is.

I've run businesses before - I helped BW (the husband for you newly subscribed) and his friend run an urban winery for fourteen years. I helped my mom run a vacation rental business for a number of years. And I helped run a non-profit for after school programs for a stint. But never have I done something that is just me, with no one else to rely on or turn to.

Don't get me wrong, I've got my tribe for support, but I'm the only person creating the content for this business and I gotta tell you that thought is daunting as fuck. What if I run out of ideas? Or lose my ability to type? What happens then?

Any business owners out there? What about creatives who own a business where you produce the content? Have you thought about this? Do you have any thoughts on it? If so, send them to me, I'd like to ruminate.

Because if you do run out, is that called retirement?


- D 💋

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