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Thanks Filled and Grates Fulled
Things I’m Thankful For: First on my list every year and always is BW. For a million reasons. Years ago I shared a happy memory from my...
Lucky F*ck
I’m pretty fucking lucky. I know this for a fact. For one, this is the view from my home office, it’s my driveway yes, but it’s also a...
I refuse to discuss our communication issue
BW and I had a little tiff first thing this morning. Naturally, I was right, he was wrong. He claims he told me one thing, I know I heard...
Don't feed after midnight
You know how you aren’t supposed to feed Gremlins after midnight or bad things happen? Well, that’s BW and I at any function with an open...
A Writer's Life is Full of Rejection
So, I didn’t win the publishing contest. I was tempted to bury my head in a hole and never, ever come out again. Instead, I buried myself...
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